In Venice

In Venice

Venice Marathon on October 27th 2024: route from Strà to Venice

The Venice Marathon: route, schedules, date, ticket prices and information, results and winners of previous editions, useful information.

Maratona di Venezia Venice Marathon - Starting from Strà, arriving to Riva degli Schiavoni in Venice

Event on October 27th 2024

Notizie sulla Maratona di Venezia o Venice Marathon

– The 38th edition of the Venice Marathon will take place on Sunday 27th October.

The Venice Marathon

The Venice Marathon will be the main event on Sunday 27th October 2024 when more than 8,000 participants from all over the world - the number of members has a roof due to logistical limitations - will depart in the morning hours from Str�, a location along the famous Riviera del Brenta for the presence of one of the most significant villas that brings in its original design the great signature of Palladio and, in that of Baroque reconstruction, that of Longhena and Scamozzi: Villa Contarini.

The competitors will be able to see Villa Contarini immediately after the departure on their left before starting to "descend" along the sinuous route of the Riviera accompanied by the official bands of the countries that will cross, from the local musical groups that will perform along the way, from the food stands official and improvised ones that will offer them also local products, typical of the Veneto region.

Over the years, the event has established itself among the fundamental stages of the Italian and international calendar, succeeding in attracting both champions and runners from all parts of the planet who, in a single solution, can live a pedestrian experience to support the visit of a of the cultural and historical capitals of the world.

attirare sia campioni sia runner da tutte le parti del pianeta che, in un'unica soluzione, possono vivere un'esperienza podistica da affiancare alla visita di una delle capitali culturali e storiche del Mondo.

Path or Venice Marathon Route

The Venice Marathon has always started in front of Villa Pisani Contarini in Str�. Then follow the Brenta Riviera passing through Fiesso D'Artico arriving in the center of Dolo. The route is almost flat, descending a few meters towards the center of Mira Porte, animated by local bands and refreshment points that gather runners who are in no hurry to finish the marathon in a certain time; for others who never stop, there are points with sponges and water supplies every 5 km. After Mira you pass through the center of Oriago, still on the Riviera del Brenta, to finally arrive in Malcontenta and head towards the village of Marghera.
Here the route becomes linear through Viale Fratelli Bandiera to reach the railway underpass that leads to Mestre. Walking along Via Dante the runners arrive in the center of Mestre arriving in Piazza Ferretto from where the last kilometers towards Venice begin. Crossing Via Guglielmo Pepe and Via Forte Marghera and Viale San Marco the route reaches San Giuliano where the riders experience running in one of Europe's largest parks.

Leaving San Giuliano Park, the path becomes silent - missing the public along the miles traveled up to here - finally heading towards Venice and the Ponte della Libert� which is about 2 km away. The first meters of the bridge are often a relief because they show the goal of the Venice marathon: 3800 meters of straight that always show Venice can be an inspiration but also a condemnation for those who have not managed well the energies.

The arrival in Venice then involves a passage in Marittima - in a deserted commercial area - which is a real Purgatory before finally seeing the first bridge of Venice at the Zattere. From here - with the maximum mood for the final entry into the historic center of Venice - the runners travel all the Zattere to get to Punta della Dogana where they pass along a fascinating bridge - built only during the Venice Marathon - which leads towards Piazza San Marco. The passage of San Marco is a veritable parade of honor that will cross the most beautiful square in the world and then return to Riva degli Schiavoni, passing the Ponte della Paglia, overlooking Ponte dei Sospiri. Here the legs, although in pieces, run easy towards the finish line which is a few hundred meters away in Riva dei Sette Martiri.

Unforeseen events in the Venice Marathon

The Venice Marathon always takes place in autumn, a season that presents very variable temperatures and weather conditions from year to year. There have been editions with almost spring temperatures in recent years but also others with very critical weather conditions that have put the runners from all over the world to the test.
In the 2018 edition the high water was waiting for the champions upon arrival in Piazza San Marco; after 40 km traveled at 20 km per hour the athletes competed with their ankles immersed in the water of the lagoon. But to all those who closed the marathon after them the Aqua Alta gave a unique experience reaching 50 cm in height until the finish line. Many of them then voted the Venice Marathon as the best 42,195 m in 2018 worldwide.

Web site: Huawei Venice Marathon

Roll of honor of the Venice Marathon
1986 Salvatore Bettiol (ITA) 2:18'44" Paola Moro (ITA) 2:38'10"
1987 Salvatore Bettiol (ITA) 2:10'01" Rita Marchisio (ITA) 2:29'36"
1988 Orlando Pizzolato (ITA) 2:15'24" Graziella Striuli (ITA) 2:39'04"
1989 Marco Milani (ITA) 2:16'08" Emma Scaunich (ITA) 2:36'02"
1990 Gelindo Bordin (ITA) 2:13'41" Laura Fogli (ITA) 2:38'33"
1991 Carlo Terzer (ITA) 2:14'49" Antonella Bizioli (ITA) 2:36'56"
1992 Joaquim Pinheiro (POR) 2:13'33" Emma Scaunich (ITA) 2:35'06"
1993 Arthur Castro (BRA) 2:10'06" Helena Javornik (SLO) 2:37'27"
1994 Tena Negere (ETH) 2:10'50" Ornella Ferrara (ITA) 2.32'16"
1995 Danilo Goffi (ITA) 2:09'26" Maura Viceconte (ITA) 2:29'11"
1996 Sid-Ali Sakhri (ALG) 2:11'11" Yelena Mazovka (BLR) 2:31'07"
1997 Antonio Serrano (ESP) 2:11'59" Irina Kazakova (FRA) 2:33'44"
1998 Japhet Kosgei (KEN) 2:11'27" Lucilla Andreucci (ITA) 2:30'34"
1999 Julius Bitok (KEN) 2:10'34" Sonia Maccioni (ITA) 2:28'54"
2000 Jonathan Kipkorir Kosgei (KEN) 2:12'27" Lenah Cheruiyot (KEN) 2:27'02"
2001 Moges Taye] (ETH) 2:10'08" Zahia Dahmani (FRA) 2:33'32"
2002 David Makori (KEN) 2:08'48" Anastasia Ndereba (KEN) 2:29'03"
2003 El Hassan Lahssini (FRA) 2:11'01" Anne Jelagat (KEN) 2:30'16"
2004 Raymond Kipkoech (KEN) 2:09'54" Jane Ekimat (KEN) 2:32'08"
2005 Mubarak Hassan Shami (QAT) 2:09'22" Emily Kimuria (KEN) 2:28'42"
2006 Jonathan Kipkorir Kosgei (KEN) 2:10'18" Lenah Cheruiyot (KEN) 2:33'44"
2007 Jonathan Kipkorir Kosgei (KEN) 2:12'27" [Lenah Cheruiyot (KEN) 2:27'02"
2008 Joseph Kimosop Lomala (KEN) 2:11'06" Aniko Kalovics (HUN) 2:31'26"
2009 John Komen (KEN) 2:08'13" Anne Kosgei (KEN) 2:27'46"
2010 Simon Kamama Mukun (KEN) 2:09'35" Makda Harun (ETH) 2:28'08"
2011 Aredo Tolesa Tadese (ETH) 2:09'13" Helena Kirop (KEN) 2:23'37"
2012 Kisang Philemon Kipchumba (KEN) 2:17'00" Bedada Emept Etea (ETH) 2:38'10"
2013 Nixon K. Machichim ha vinto (KEN) 2:13'11" Mercy J. Kibarus (KEN) 2:31'12"
2014 Mamo Ketema Behailu (ETH) 2:16'45" Biruk Konjit Tilahun (ETH) 2:40'20"
2015 Julius Chepkwony Rotich 2:11'08" Ehite Bizuayehu Gebireyes 2:35'15"
2016 Julius Chepkwony Rotich 2:10'22" Priscah Jepleting Cherono 2:27'41"
2017 Eyob Faniel 2:12'16" Gedo Sule Utura 2:29'04"
2018 Gebre Mekuant Ayenew 2:13'23" Tanui Angela Jemesunde 2:31'30"
2019 Tesfaye Anbesa 2:10'49" Judith Korir  2:29'21"
2021 Suspended due Covid.  
2022 Anderson Seroi 2:12'21" Sofiia Yaremchuk 2:29'12"

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