In Venice

In Venice

Chiese di Venezia

Tutte le chiese e le basiliche di Venezia: le fotografie e l'architettura, le mappe e le informazioni utili per la visita, la storia degli edifici di culto della città lagunare e delle isole.

Chiesa delle Zitelle Venezia

Acquisto Biglietto Vaporetto Actv Venezia Biglietto Vaporetto Actv - Vieni a Venezia? Prenota in anticipo e salta la coda!

Compra Biglietti Vaporetto Actv Venezia

Stesso prezzo Biglietteria: 1 singolo € 9,50; 24 ore € 25; 2 giorni € 35; 3 giorni € 45; 7 giorni € 65.


Churches of Venice

The churches of Venice divided by district: their location, history and architecture, photographs and works preserved inside them, information for the visit.

Sestiere ofCanaregio Sestiere of Canaregio

All the churches of the district, the purchase of tickets, their location and information on how to get there and for the visit, the photographs, the architecure and the history, the works kept inside them.

Main churches inside Canaregio

Church of S. Giobbe (XV sec.)
Church of S. Geremia (XI sec.)
Church of S. Giovanni Crisostomo (XV sec.)
Church of Sant'Alvise (XIV sec.)
Church of Madonna dell'Orto (XIV sec.)
Church of S. Maria dei Miracoli (XV sec.)
Church of S. Maria di Nazareth o degli Scalzi (XVII sec.)
Chiesa di S. Maria Assunta o dei Gesuiti (XVII sec.)

Sestiere of Castello Sestiere of Castello

All the churches of the district, the purchase of tickets, their location and information on how to get there and for the visit, the photographs, the architecure and the history, the works kept inside them.

Sestiere of Dorsoduro Sestiere of Dorsoduro

All the churches of the district, the purchase of tickets, their location and information on how to get there and for the visit, the photographs, the architecure and the history, the works kept inside them.

Sestiere of San Marco Sestiere of San Marco

All the churches of the district, the purchase of tickets, their location and information on how to get there and for the visit, the photographs, the architecure and the history, the works kept inside them.

Sestiere of Santa Croce Sestiere of Santa Croce

All the churches of the district, the purchase of tickets, their location and information on how to get there and for the visit, the photographs, the architecure and the history, the works kept inside them.

Sestiere dof i San Polo Sestiere of San Polo

All the churches of the district, the purchase of tickets, their location and information on how to get there and for the visit, the photographs, the architecure and the history, the works kept inside them.
Isola della Giudecca Giudecca Island

All the churches of the district, the purchase of tickets, their location and information on how to get there and for the visit, the photographs, the architecure and the history, the works kept inside them.

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